I was born in Mankato, Minnesota to two Nigerian immigrants. I’ve paid rent in New Delhi, Greensboro, Bangalore, San Francisco and Dharamshala, but I currently reside in Chicago.
📕I’m the author of Dare to Bloom, a book on new beginnings.
🙏🏾I am also a teacher, entrepreneur and investor. I teach other entrepreneurs how to be Kingdom Financiers.
🚀 I buy, hold and sell real estate across the United States.
🛩 I'm the founder & former Chief Executive Officer of Travel Noire, an award-winning boutique travel company that reached 2MM travelers per month. In 2017, Travel Noire was acquired by Blavity.
🔌I love building things, art, storytelling, photography and design.
🍕 I currently live in the midwest with my husband.
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